
Connectivity counts for in-ambulance medical treatment

Lives can depend on access to the right information about appropriate patient intervention and care, and exactly what to do and when.

In many countries, hospitals are getting bigger and fewer, with longer distances between them. Many treatments are becoming increasingly specialized, and remote patient care requires more accurate data to work efficiently.

100%-reliable data connectivity is essential in the many ambulances and helicopters now needed for moving patients between treatment facilities and from one specialist treatment site to another. Reliable, real-time data connections between ambulances and specialists at the hospital are crucial for treatment outcomes and recovery rates.

Unstable connections impact treatment effectiveness

Many ambulances and EMS helicopters can now hook up to video links, but unstable connections often mean emergency personnel are reluctant to use them. Unfortunately – and in surprisingly many places – even 4G connectivity isn’t reliable enough for first-responders, EMTs and paramedics to do their jobs to best effect while the patient is in the back of their ambulance. Lives can depend on reliable data connections.

Treatment in transit

All this can change with an easy-to-use system that makes it possible for first-responders and hospital specialists to use 100%-reliable two-way video streams for expert medical supervision of in-ambulance interventions, trauma procedures and other urgent treatment.

Your ambulance personnel can then carry out high-quality, expedient treatment while patients are still in transit – perhaps many kilometers away.

The payoffs are many:

• Easy access to reliable video links and accurate, up-to-date patient data ensures more effective emergency procedures and in-vehicle treatments

• First-responders can rely on uninterrupted help from any required at-base specialists

• Full access to best possible know-how and treatment during the crucial post-trauma “golden hour”

• Effective supervision makes it easier to plan and execute treatment-chain actions effectively

• Less stress on medical personnel at both ends


We can help you keep vital connectivity during emergencies

Cobham Satcom offers a tailored communication solution for any business critical communications network - leveraging decades of expertise to deliver dependable connectivity with high performance, lower costs, and truly global coverage.

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