
Japan approves use of Cobham SATCOM’s SAILOR 4300 L-band, unlocking high-performing connectivity across its fleet

News & Announcements


UltiSat and Cobham Satcom Sign Strategic Distributor & Integrator Agreement

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Cobham Satcom Selects CPI as RF Supplier for Telesat Lightspeed Landing Station Terminals

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Cobham Satcom Unveils Tactical TRACKER Range of Transportable Tracking Terminals

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Cobham Satcom announces strategic partnership with Hypha by Wireless Innovation

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Bridges Cobham’s historical support for standardization with the development of advanced digital interfaces

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Telesat Selects Cobham SATCOM for Telesat Lightspeed Landing Station Terminals

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Utility operators: you can't predict the future, but you can prepare for it

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