
Gateways, EO & New Space

With today’s new LEO and MEO opportunities, businesses and agencies are looking for a safe foothold into the next era of satellite communication. Whether you are involved in high-speed communications, data links, high altitude EO or emerging New Space applications, a Cobham Satcom gateway solution is the proven, dependable and innovative choice for your business-critical gateways and user terminals.

A secure footstep into the future

With recent growth in LEO and MEO constellations, the satcom industry is at the threshold of a major transformation that is being felt across all market segments. Viable ground systems - gateways and teleport infrastructures - hold the key to realizing the opportunities these new constellations offer. Being viable means much more than being cheaper and smaller though; new communications gateway solutions must outperform existing options, offer high reliability and deliver low costs of ownership.

Cobham Satcom’s industry-leading gateway antenna technology offers you precisely what it takes to readily adapt to new requirements to take your business confidently into the new arena of high-speed, high-data communication. Delivering robust, resilient and highly efficient performance with compelling economics, our new approach to gateways and user terminals, is based on our successful TRACKER Gateway series. You get proven industry-leading performance, that is scalable, easily implemented and supported, highly reliable and with a low cost of ownership.


Chris Schram

Head of Tracker, RoW

Highly reliable

A proven design that works out of the box. Three-axis tracking with radome-protected antennas provide accurate tracking in the most adverse weather conditions, ensuring high availability and throughput for carrier-grade performance with optimum signal quality and demonstratable tracking accuracy.


Easily implemented

We have experience in installing and commissioning hundreds of VSATs in narrow windows. Our solutions are easy to install and readily adaptable to new requirements with standard sizes, plug and play interfaces and configurations that are easily implemented in multi-antenna configurations. Designed for use across geographies with fast time to service.



Reduced OPEX and business costs combined with historic reliability of proven solutions for high end customers, low-cost spares and low power consumption, deliver compelling economics over time. Cost benefits as part of volume production and ability to deliver quantities on schedule contribute to a unique cost of ownership model that optimizes the overall system economics of a satellite network.

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The next generation Gateway Antenna Systems from Cobham Satcom delivering highly innovative tracking technology to significantly optimize Satellite Network Operations and Return On Investment (ROI).

Every Cobham Satcom TRACKER solution comes ready for any environment and any external influence. Fully integrated and easy to install, it consumes less power and demands less maintenance than any other available solution.


A range of cost-effective, easily configured, and highly reliable satellite tracking systems that supports established network operators and venture-funded start-ups to deliver even more competitive high-throughput satcom services using satellite constellations in any orbit and on diverse radio frequencies.

